Secure and fast digital signing

Say goodbye to the paper and delight your clients, employees and partners

With DigiSign, you can electronically send, sign and approve documents anytime, anywhere. In all possible ways - two-factor authentication with text message, with your qualified electronic signature, or via a tablet with biometric data.

Start to sign digitally

How does DigiSign work?

Just 3 steps to send a document for signature and check the status:

Select a document type, enter a short description and upload the file.

Screenshot from DigiSign showing how to upload a file

Enter signing parties, how to identify them (ID, phone or e-mail) and choose the way to sign the document. You can also specify end date, where to place the signature annotations, etc.

Screenshot from DigiSign showing signer's details and the selected digital signature method

Check the status of the signature request at any time. You can send a reminder to someone slowing the signing process.

Screenshot from DigiSign showing how to check the signature process status

After the document has been signed, you can get a copy on your email or directly in your document or CRM system. Learn more about DigiSign's application programming interface (API) and the options to integrate with your systems.

Also check out our user manual for a detailed description of the platform.

Why DigiSign?

Beyond the obvious argument that in the 21st century, virtually all information exchange happens electronically and only a few processes still involve paper, DigiSign can also help you with:

Icon symbolising the convenience of work with DigiSign

Maximum Convenience

Documents are signed in the most convenient way for both the sender and recipient. DigiSign ensures that the document reaches all parties for signature according to the chosen method and provider.

Icon symbolising faster processes with DigiSign

Streamlined Workflow

Sending and signing documents within minutes, not days or weeks. A document travels from Jakarta to New York.

Icon symbolising effectiveness with DigiSign

Increased Efficiency

DigiSign eliminates the manual processing and logistics of paper documents and provides incredible convenience to your clients and employees.

DigiSign - Secure and Accessible with Any Type of Electronic Signature

DigiSign works with all qualified electronic signatures (QES) issued anywhere in the world. The platform also supports advanced electronic signatures (AES), which are applied through tablets and keep not only the signature image but also biometric data. With DigiSign, you can also sign documents with an advanced electronic signature after two-factor authentication with a password or text (SMS) message.

Legal framework

Electronic signatures and electronic signature systems are regulated by Regulation (EU) 910/2014 of the European Parliament and by verious local applicable laws. According to the regulation, three types of signatures are defined:

  • (Basic) electronic signature - this is data in electronic form that is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form and which the signatory uses to sign;
  • Advanced electronic signature - with this type of signature, the signer "locks" their statement with their private cryptographic key, and the recipient uses the public cryptographic key to read the statement and identify the author. The author is identified by an identifier under their control (usually an email), and the technology (usually Adobe PDF) ensures that the statement arrives unchanged at the recipient. See more about the application of the advanced electronic signature in our blog;
  • Qualified electronic signature - this is an advanced electronic signature that is issued by a qualified (or, in other words, officially registered) trust service provider.

The difference between the three types of signatures is in the possibilities for the level of verification of authenticity that the signature provides. For qualified signatures, a duly registered issuer of the signature guarantees its validity. According to the legal framework, all three types of signatures are legally binding, and the qualified electronic signature also has the legal force of a handwritten signature. The law also states that the legal force of an electronic signature and an advanced electronic signature is equivalent to that of a handwritten signature when this is agreed upon between the parties.

Who can use electronic signatures and for what?

Icon symbolizing sales person


Electronic signatures can help you close deals faster and free you from time-consuming administrative and logistical tasks.

Icon symbolizing HR person

Human Resources

Candidates and employees can fill out and sign documents electronically during the hiring process and throughout their whole employment.

Icon symbolizing person working in the legal field

Legal Professionals

All documents can be accessed electronically and used as duly signed electronic originals.

Icon symbolizing random platform user


Any function within an organization that requires the signing of any documents can benefit from the advantages of electronic signatures.


DigiSign is an exceptionally secure platform for exchanging and signing documents. Its development and maintenance adhere to the industry's highest standards:

  • ISO 27001:2013: This certification ensures that DigiSign has implemented a robust Information Security Management System (ISMS). It means that your data is protected through measures like encryption, access controls, and incident management.
  • ISO 20000-1:2011: This certification confirms that DigiSign's IT service management processes are aligned with best practices. This ensures reliable, efficient, and customer-focused IT services.
  • ISO 9001:2015: This certification guarantees that DigiSign has a Quality Management System in place. This means we are committed to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
ISO 9001, ISO 20000 и ISO 27001 лога

DigiSign has taken extra steps to make sure your data is safe and secure. We are following international standards to protect your information, ensure our services are reliable, and maintain a high level of quality.

Data Security

All data exchanged between users and servers is encrypted. Documents are also stored in encrypted form. All data for all clients is stored in separate repositories. User passwords are one-way encrypted (hashed). All data is deleted with a protocol immediately after the termination of the service. All user actions in DigiSign are recorded in a separate database (audit log) with strict access control.


DigiSign is deployed on a distributed containerized infrastructure. Our primary site is maintained in one of Equinix International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers, located in Sofia. Equinix is the world's leading data center company with 185+ data centers in 24 countries, over 250,000 cross connects, and reliability > 99.99999%. The Equinix site is 100% available and covers an SLA of 99.99999%.

Backup & Disaster recovery

DigiSign's archiving is managed by specialized data protection software, allowing us to restore the database state at any given time. Weekly backup tapes are stored in a separate and secure location. All procedures related to our business continuity plan (BCP) are governed by the ISO 20000-1:2011 standard, implemented in 2013.

Partners and Options for Electronic Signatures

DigiSign provides platform electronic signatures as well as support for all qualified electronic signature providers.

Electronic signature with wwo-factor authentication (2FA)

DigiSign Logo

Learn more about 1-Click-Sign and our DigiSign's platform signatures

Electronic signature with tablet and biometric data

Signatus Logo

Learn more about Signatus

Mobile or smart card-based qualified electronic signatures

We support the following electronic signature providers:

b-Trust Logo Evrotrust Logo

DigiSign Clients

DigiSign and its electronic signature capabilities are constantly evolving. The features and improvements we implement are most often inspired and driven by the feedback and suggestions we receive from our clients. We understand that our success is not only a result of our strong technological knowledge but also the excellent communication we have built with our users.

We are proud to say that DigiSign has become an indispensable tool in the daily work of many small, medium, and large organizations.

We are grateful for the trust and support of our clients, as well as for the opportunity to continue growing and changing together.

The transition to DigiSign completely transformed our process of signing contracts with clients, making it much faster and more predictable. The main advantage is the reduced document processing time. This has made us more productive and significantly improved our clients' satisfaction.


Svilen S.

Sales Director

I highly recommend DigiSign to any company that wants to optimize its contract signing processes. You upload, send, and receive the document electronically signed. I couldn't ask for anything faster or easier.


Goran A.


With DigiSign, signing documents has turned from a tedious and slow process into a pleasant routine. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, it has greatly facilitated the daily work of both the team and clients.


Ivaylo D.

Key Accounts Manager

A brilliant solution! Very fast implementation and incredibly easy to use. All our employees confirmed this with the very first document they had to sign electronically through the platform.


Denitsa F.

HR Manager


Our goal is to eliminate paper-based signing. To achieve this, we make electronic signature tools accessible to absolutely everyone in an organization. That's why with our pricing policy we don't take into account how many people in your company use the platform.

When you pay on a per-user basis, the number of signatures required in a given period is not considered. You may need to sign a larger volume of documents twice a year, but the fixed monthly fee per user remains the same. In such cases, to optimize costs, organizations give access only to a small number of employees. This way you can pay less, but the signing processes start to go through a bottleneck, which inevitably leads to unwanted delays.

We believe that charging per signature, regardless of the number of users, offers complete transparency and is as fair as possible. You only pay for what you will use. Neither more, nor less.

Installation Fee

A one-time fee for creating and setting up your dedicated organization's application.


Prepaid Packages

For maximum predictability, control, and cost planning, we offer prepaid packages for all types of signatures.

Prices start from 0.05 euro without VAT per signature.

For more information and a demonstration, please contact us.

About Us

DigiSign was created by the IBS team. For over years, we have been developing and integrating IT solutions that bring value and simplify the daily work of tens of thousands of users. Our portfolio includes solutions for infrastructure management (Smarter Infrastructure), data processing (Data & AI), and application development and modernization.

Our experience with electronic signatures? We have implemented numerous systems for authentication, remote and local file signing, and have made integrations with the programming interfaces of many qualified signature providers.

We have the honor of helping to optimize the processes of clients of all sizes in almost all industries, including the banking, manufacturing, and government sectors.



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