Please select a day and time that suits you from the calendar and enter your brief contact information. We will arrange a personalized demo of our electronic signature platform.
During the meeting, we will show you how DigiSign works and all supported signing methods:
We will discuss how DigiSign can optimize processes in your organization and how our solution can improve your efficiency. On your part, we expect information about the specific needs and processes that you want to upgrade and for which the DigiSign platform may be a suitable solution.
Prepare all your questions about electronic signatures! We will be happy to find the answers together and share our knowledge and experience. If you want to discuss something specific, don't forget to note it in the comment field.
To ensure convenience and flexibility, our demonstrations are conducted via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Before the meeting, please test your Zoom connection by connecting to the platform's test environment. If you encounter any difficulties, visit the Zoom help center for more information.